‘Enough Already,’ Said God
Marc Chagall’s view of the burning bush. According to the transcript below, the bush recently reappeared. RMN-GRAND PALAIS / ART RESOURCE, NY SEPTEMBER 16, 2017 Nicholas Kristof The famous televangelist Jim Bakker , who is preaching again on television after a rape accusation and a prison term for financial fraud, recently warned that Christians would start an armed insurrection if President Trump were impeached. “If it happens, there will be civil war in the United States of America,” Bakker told his television audience. “The Christians will finally come out of the shadows, because we are going to be shut up permanently if we’re not careful.” Afterward, I received the following transcript of a conversation between Bakker and, er, God. It comes from a divine source. Bakker : “Dear God, thank you for blessing me with wisdom, courage, virtue and rugged good looks. Plus humility. Please help me raise up an army to smite the infidels trying to impeach Preside...