The Rivers state Police command has declared a man identified as Enu, Wanted for allegedly stabbing his Neighbor Tornu Bari with Broken bottle, While preventing him from Killing his wife in Port Harcourt. One Enu from Emu-Obodeti, Delta State, yesterday, chopped off a neighbor's flesh in Port-Harcourt, Rivers State, for preventing him from beating his wife. According to Imalah Ugoachanum who shared the incident, the couple has serious issues, and the husband Enu threatened to kill her, which made her to fun to the neighbor Tornu Bari's house. Few days after, on the 3rd of November, The wife received a distress call from Enu, that her attention was needed urgently at home, as one of their children was seriously sick. Considering the time and how the call came, she requested that Tornu escorted her home, without knowing it was a ploy by her husband to trick her back home to murder her as he had earlier threatened. However, unfortunately for him, as soon as he was abou...